Book Blogging Goals for 2020

Now that 2020 is here, I’m very tempted to make my list of resolutions. I’m equally tempted to get snarky and cynical with myself and say that if I make that list, it will stay just that – a list of resolutions. But I will not. I will not be hard on myself. It’s the least I can do. Well, that and probably not call my list of resolutions a list of resolutions. Just to be safe. And not risk unleashing my snarky cynical self. So, I present to you, my blogging goals for 2020!

1. Review and organize my blog: Streamline the blog and get it looking nicer. Make categories that make sense. Make categories that are necessary. Declutter. Declutter. Declutter.

2. Take good pictures for the blog: The pictures that go up need to make me feel good, happy and well, content. Looking back on my Instagram feed, I realized that I don’t feel this way about what’s already up.

3. Make a simple plan and stick to it: When I started blogging, I had a complex plan that included tags, challenges, pet peeves, travel reads, blah, blah, blah. At the end, it became too much to keep up with. Not going to do that again.

4. Research, read, review: Find out books that I am more likely to want to read. Then actually get around to reading. And finally, review them. Not just record my impressions about them.

5. Expand my reading scope: Now that I’m jumping into this head-first again, I might as well not get started with genres and books that make me feel comfy and want to stick to them. I might as well take risks.

What are your goals? Let me know in the comments below!


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